Esan Native Law and Custom On Challenging The Usurper Of An Egbai
Most good hunters have watching platforms EGBAI which are usually erected near the lairs of a beast or their usual trails. The hunter sits on the form waiting for the animals which is shot when it comes to rest, feed or have a drink Now the hunters who build the form own it. But should he arrive to find another hunter usurping what belongs to him .Esan law and custom forbid him challenging the usurper there and then. He must return home and report the matter to the Edion. Should he give a challenge there and they both return home alive, the punishment of the challenger would far exceed that of the thief, for our forefathers foresaw the possibility of two armed men-fighting it out to a mortal finish in the jungle. Even if they did not kill themselves a watching platform is the last place to have a brawl for once knows of the presence of human beings around their ground they would never come near the spot again. That would spoil the chances not only of the quarrelsome hunters but of all hunters in the village who might succeed in killing animals there. This would mean real loss to the Edion who might have got some free meat by virtue of their being Omijiogbe of the lucky hunters’ family