Circumcision Of The Child
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Last up date (July 29, 2021)

Nominally in Ozalla Clan, there is no much ceremony accorded to circumcision on a male-child, Some Families circumcise their children at the age of four days, five days, seven days two weeks etc. But there is no native law that stipulates the number of days after the birth of a child before the child can be circumcised. This circumcision is known in Ozalla as “ORHUE”. The circumcision is either locally (native) or in the Hospital.  But it could be known that before the advent of the Hospital circumcision is done locally in Ozalla Clan.

Even presently, some people still prefer local circumcision that of the hospital because they believe that the circumcision heals easily than that of the hospital.  Ozalla custom does not stipulate that a female child should be circumcised at the early stage. It is against our custom to circumcise a female child at her early childhood. Females are normally circumcised in Ozalla Clan when their days of getting married have been numbered

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