Climate: It is in order to touch briefly the climate of Owan land since it determines the type of vegetation which Owan people exploit among their life-sustaining occupations. The climate is quite good, no extremes. The winds are generally mild excepting during the end of the wet season where some heavy rains come with great storms periodically.
Some of the storms in Owan come with tornadoes which periodically cause great disasters. Otherwise, rains are moderate through their six or so months duration As for sunshine, it is adequate in view of its good effect on specific crops which do very well under day of continuous sunshine. Heat in the months of December to March is almost unbearable for human beings and animals. There are thus cold and wet seasons as well as remarkably hot and dry seasons. The harmattan, aptly described. As ‘the doctor’ is healthful to bodies and helpful to crops and the bushes that survive. In sum, climatic effect in Owan can be described generally as passive with no uncomfortable extremes,
ln 1993, Edo State Ministry of Information,. summarized the climate broadly thus “The wet season occurs between April and October with a break in August and as an average rainfall ranging from 150cm in the extreme north of the state (within which Owan lies) to 250cm in the south. The dry season lasts from November to April with cold harmattan spell between December and January. The temperature averages about 25º in the rainy season to 28º in the dey season”