The Uneme Ekpedo came from the lrefami hill, in the Uneme Akpama area where they had earlier settled. They were said to have been led by their eiders and senior titled holders, notably among who were: Ochefu described as a warlord, Utufu and Uyeni. Ochefu was said to have died in transit on their way from Uneme Akpama.
The cause of his death was not known. But Utufu and Uyeni were said to have assumed the leadership of the group, and had proceeded with the migration in search of a favourable place to settle down and establish a community for the people. They were reported to have arrived in a place known as Okpoto in the area of present-day Igarra, where they stayed briefly before departing, following the disturbing news which they heard about an impending threat of a military attack on the settlement by some Edo (Bini) soldiers who were said to be marching on the territory from Benin, during Oba Ewuare's reign. In the end„ however, they settled in the area now known as Uneme Ekpedo, where they established their parent community.
“Ekp” meaning 'respect' and had stemmed from the name of one of the early heroines of the founding members of that community. The decision to slightly modify the name by adding the word, edo, to ekpe, arose from the peoples determination to differentiate their new settlements from the one founded by a Yoruba sub -ethnic group that had emerged as a neighbour of the Uneme in ape, and whose settlement was similarly named. Ekpe. But, unlike Ekpe, which the Uneme people founded in that area_ the one that was established by the said Yoruba people, derived its name from the sub –ethnic name of the Yoruba group. Then Uneme Ekpedo is known as the most industrialized, amongst the Uneme nation in Akoko land in 180 A.D.
The Uneme decision to add to edo to the original name of their settlement was motivated by their desire to emphasize the cultural identify as an Edoid
sub -ethnic group, as opposed to the alleged pro-yoruba descent of their Ekpe neighbours.
Five kindred were said to have emerged in Uneme Ekpedo during thePeriod .They are:-
(¡) Imiava.
(ii) Imiakusi
(¡¡¡) Uzanu
(¡v) Imiekiugba
(v) Uzosi
The community is located on the present Ibillo-lampese Ogori-mangongo road in Akoko-Edo. Its main neighbours have been the villages, town and clan of Ibillo. lampese. Ogori-magongo and Bekuma.