The Édo/Africa names and meanings are written in alphabetical order. Click on the alphabet you will like to view and all the names and meanings under that alphabet will appear.With more than 4000 Édo names and meanings in our database.The largest collections of Édo names and meanings online.
![]() On every name, you will see which gender the name is suitable for but your are free to make a change in doing so, you must be careful, because here are names specifically for male and as well as their female counterpart. Name like Adolo,Enogie,Erhauyi {etc} are generally not suitable for females. Names like Adesuwa, Abiéyuwa,Ivie, Évbu {etc} are also not for the males neither.
The Édo language is part of the Kwa-Niger group of languages according to Linguist. These people have lived were they are now for " Thousands of years." The monarchy, the imperial Benin kingdom centered in Benin City, Nigeria is about 6000 years old. |
ÉDO ALPHABET Old Alphabets:
A B D E É F G H I K L M N O Ó P R S T U V W Y Z New Alphabets: A B D E É F G GB GH H I K KH KP L M MW N O ÓP R RH RR S T U V VB W Y Z Édo Vowels: Á E É I O Ó U
Édo Double Consonants: GB GH Kh KP MW RH RR VB
Édo Single Consonants: B D F G H K L M N P R S T V W Y Z
In compiling and writing these names, the writer don't claim any perfection and competence in the production of the foregoing names.He shall therefore welcome more names, useful suggestion for future improvement. Written by Rev. J.O.Ómóregie. Web by Osaméde Osunde. |
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