1. Uzairhue is said to have been founded by a Benin man of that name. eight of his sons founded villages and further segmentation produced the remaining settlements.
2 The Auchi people live in four villages grouped together at the foot of a hill.The ancestors of the people who now form Auchi clan came from Udo (in Ovia Local Government
3. The ancestors of the Ibie people first settled in the Uzairhue area. They later split into two sections, one of which went east and became the South Ibie tribe. During the Nupe incursions two groups fled to the south, one to form Eware village, Anwain, and the other Akua village, Irua.
4. The second section of the Ibie people, led by the founder’s son, moved to the north. The four villages claim to be descended from Ogogo’s four sons, after whom they are named.
5. Anwu, the founder, fled from Benin with ancestors of other Etsako peoples and settled in the Uzairhue area before moving to the present site. The four villages are said to have been founded by his “sons.”
6. Before the Nupe invasion the Ekperi people, occupied two villages, Ugbekpe and Imakigbe. Many fled from the Nupe south to the forest area and there are now 17 settlements, many of which contain elements from a variety of the original extended families, wards, and villages.
7. The founders of Uwepa-Uwano, after splitting off from the original migration to the Uzairhue area, settled in the fertile land close to the river. They later divided into two sections, the Uwepa moving south.
8. The Ukpella people represent a separate migration from Benin—from the Sapele area according to Temple—the immigrants settling down with some people who were already on the site of Ogute. The present settlement of Imiekwi is said to be largely descended from this aboriginal group. Ukpila’s descendants proliferated into the present-day settlements, one of which is said to be formed from the descendants of a daughter of Ukpila.
9. The Founder of Aviele is said to have left Benin in the time of Oba Ozolua (c. 1485) and to have settled north of the Orle River. His followers were later attacked by the Ibie and the tribal headman moved south to the present site of Agbede.
10 An original connect with the Ora and Urole (Ivbiosakon). The Ujagbe people fled to Ewu, were given land by Onogie , later seceded, came under Agbede about 1895.
11 The Anwain claim to have come from Benin indirectly, some group via Ishan and others via certain Northern Edo communities.
12 South Uneme, they are reported to be descended from a group of blacksmiths from Obadan in Benin Division who fled from the wrath of an Oba. They settled first at Inyele in what is now Asaba Division and later at Ugboha in ishan, where there are still some Ineme. Little is known of their subsequent history or of the manner or order in which the present settlements
13 Okpekpe and North Ibies both migrated from Ibie Naafe (South Ibie) to their present location. a tradition has it that they mirarated from Benin around the area know as Ugboka passing through Esan territories before reaching Ibie Naafe.