Benin Obas {1200AD -Present} as compiledby
Oba Oronmiyan
Oba Oronmiyan(Omonoyan)
{The link between the old monarchy of Ogiso and the new monarchy of Obas of Benin}
{About 1170 A.D-1200A.D}
kaladerhan then Ododuwa of Uhe (Ife) was about 70 years old and was too old to undertake the long journey to Igodomigodo. When he gave this excuse, pressure was mounted on him by the edionisen to send his son. He felt very reluctant sending his son too. He feared the safety of his son and needed some .guarantee. In order to test the sincerity of the Edionisen and know their ability to cater for his son, according to J. U. Egharevba, some lice were given to Oliha to look after. Eghaievba further cites tradition as saying that Oliha was able to send back the lice to Ododuwa (Ikaladerhan) at Uhe, after three years. It was this ability of Oliha to preserve the lice that gave Oliha the appellation Ogele or O gele muu Odu. He is today called Oliha ‘ne ogele’ as his praise name. After this feat, Ikaladerhan acceded to the request to send his son Oromiyan toIgodomigodo.Oromiyan entourage included amongst others the Edigin Ilawure Ihama and Ezima. They accompanied him to Igodomigodo.
After the banishment of Owodo; the last Ogiso under the {Ogiso periods} for misrule Evain who had earlier distinguished himself as a brave man by destroying the man-eating Osogan, was appointed as an administrator who ruled Benin for nearly 40 years. At his old age, Evian nominated his son Ogiamien as a successor. Unfortunately, this nomination did not go well with the Edo people who maintained that succession to the throne is always applicable to kings and not to commoners to which class Evian belonged. Spear headed by Oliha, there was a serious agitation to bring back the monarch. The nation was thrown into a state of internecine war and as a way out the elders {led by Oliha} went on a search party to look for Ikaladerhan {the banished son of the last Ogiso Owodo} who had for some time taken refuse at Uhe {or Ife as is now known}. The search party reached Uhe to meet Ikaladerhan already enjoying the status of a king. The Edo people could not persuade him to return home. Nevertheless, Ikaladerhan now known as Ododuwa agreed to send his son if only the Benin...
According to the traditional account at the demise of Oba Eweka I, two of his sons Idu and Uwakhuanhen became rival claimants to the throne of Benin. Prince Idu the eldest son whose mother hailed from Umoghumwun was not favoured by the elders who then back younger brother. As a means of getting rid of Prince Idu, the elders brought a plan which requested the rival princes to provide a cow with bird’s nest built upon its head for the purpose of their father’s royal funeral ceremonies prince Idu was then persuaded to go to his mother’s home town Umoghumwun to procure the proverbial nested cow. His rival brother then remained in Benin where a cow was procured and a bird’s nest planted upon its horn. The cow was then presented before the elders who immediately declared Uwakhuanhen successor to the throne. He was then crowned Oba. With Uwakhuanhen on the throne, war became imminent between the two brothers. To appease Idu, the kingdom was divided. The southernmost point or boundary of Prince Idu’s kingdom was some seven kilometres (Umaguohen) from the North East of Benin City. His southernmost limits terminated at the Ethiope River while the northern extent was the River Orhionmwon (‘Ossiomo” as the European mispronounced the name). Idu styled himself Oba N’Ugu (Oba of Ugu) and he then established his headquarters at
According to oral history, when Oba Ehenmihen was living as a prince with his father (Eweka I 1200-1.255 A.D.) at Usama (the old palace of the early Obas), he fell in love with one of the chiefs’ youngest wives. This romance ended in a pregnancy. To avoid confrontation with the Oba and to relieve the chief from any embarrassment, the pregnant lady was sold away to someone at Ilaje area (which is now a part of the Okitipupa area of Ondo State of Nigeria). The new master having observed that the young slave was pregnant sought to know the father of the unborn child whereupon it was revealed that it belonged to a BENIN prince. Without any hesitation, the young lady gained her freedom and subsequently a male child was born. The child Efabo, the only son of Oba Ehenmihen was brought up in a place called Ugbovbumaghan otherwise known by the natives as Ugbo-Umaghen which the British colonialist referred to as Ugbo-Mahin. It was during his sojourn at this place, that the young prince came in contact with the Eleha (who were singers) and the Ikpiwini (who were the drummers). These musicians fascinated the young Prince and it is said that he himself learnt the art as well as the dance associated with the music.
On the death of his father Efobo was invited home and crowned Oba at Usama with the title Ewedo.”
Oba Ewedo
Oba Ewedo
{About 1255AD-1280AD}
Prince Efabo ascended the throne after the death of his father with the title Oba Ewedo. Seen by historians as the second greatest monarch to reign in Benin kingdom.
It must be observed that the three first Obas - Eweka I, Uwakhuanhen and Ehenmihen had their political support from the elders {Edion who later became known as Uzama} Oba Ewedo discontented with the rudely behaviors of the Edionisen {five Elders} uzama he called them ‘Emwan nei zama omwan’ meaning people who don't show respect to their Oba this was later corrupted into Uzama. This is not surprising because they brought Oromiyan from Uhe [IIe Ife]. These Edion more or less treated the monarchy as primus inter pares which position Oba Ewedo therefore embarked upon a risky job of suppressing the Uzamas and miraculously, he did not only succeed in doing so but eventually surprised Ogiamien who was virtually in control of the City State.
The final settlement came at the battle of "Ekiokpagha"
The successor to Ewedo would have been prince Obuobu who was engaged in endless wars in Ibo land. In his absence, his brother was crowned with the title Oba Oguola.
Oba Oguola dug the first and second moats to fortify the city from invaders from Udo. He further decreed that important towns and villages should build similar moats as defense systems around their communities. This has given rise to twenty of such moats around Benin City and its environs. He encouraged the systematic organization of the ancient guild of brass casting which was declining.
The war menace from Akpanigiakon of Udo was ended when the Oba defeated his foe at the battle of Urhezen about the year 1285.
Oba Edoni
Oba Oguola was succeeded by Edoni whose reign was uneventful.
Oba Udagbedo
Oba Udagbedo
Udagbedo ascended the throne after the death of his brother Edoni. Udagbedo was industrious brave and kind-hearted, encouraged agriculture. During his reign Benin kingdom extended its colonial rule to the present day Ghana. The ethnic group known as GA in Ghana was the early Edos who settled in that part of the world.
Oba Ohen
Ohen ascended the throne after the death of his brother Oba Udagbedo Paralyzed 25 years after ascending. He was stoned to death by his chiefs for ordering the murder of his Iyase for spying on his deformity.
Oba Ogbeka
{About 1370AD-
It was during his reign the Urhobos migrated from Benin kingdom
Oba Orobiru
There were no events of importance during his reign.
Oba Uwaifiokun
Oba Uwaifiokun
He usurped the throne of Benin kingdom in place of his senior brother prince Ogun who was the heir apparent. His exiled senior brother prince Ogun paid many secret and nocturnal visits to Benin through Oba’s market. On many occasions, Emotan warned Ogun of impending dangers and advised him against interacting with some treacherous chiefs who may reveal his presence. Prince Ogun succeeded in murdering Uwaifiokun during night ceremonial performance at Oba’s market.
Oba Ewuare the Great
Oba Ewuare the Great
{About 1440AD-1473AD}
Seen by historians as the greatest, the most revered, dynamic, innovative and successful monarch to have reign in Benin kingdom---- Full Story >>>
First contact with any European was made by Oba Ewuare when Ruy De Sequeira visited Benin City in 1472-------Full Story >>>
The well-known accounts of prince Ogun’s adventures and experiences in his struggle for his father’s throne are probably stories of his experiences after he returned to Edo land from Issele-Uku where he had---- Full Story >>>
The currently accepted opinion regarding when the Christian religion was first preached to the people of Benin situates the period in the reign of Oba Esigie, a closer look at the reign of Oba Ewuare, suggested that it was during his reign----Full Story >>>
There is a story about this titular name, “EWUARE” which Ogun chose to be known by as the crowned head of the kingdom----Full Story >>>
Oba Ezoti
Oba Ezoti
{About 1473AD1473AD}
He reigned for only fourteen days having passed away as a result of the injury he sustained from a poisoned arrow fired by a boy, assassin during his coronation. After his death, prince Okpame his younger brother was sent to Esi, a town outside Benin City to being Owere the heir apparent to be crowned the Oba. On their way to Benin City Okpame murdered Owere and his mother then lies to the Benin elders that they both die of natural causes, when the truth became open Okpame was banished. He fled to a place call Ora {north of Benin City}.
Oba Olua
Oba Olua
{About 1473AD-1480AD}
Prince Oduwa who later became Oba Olua was the second son of Oba Ewuare at first refused the Obaship Crown. He told the Uzama Nobles that he was horrified by the intents of his brother, Okpame. If Okpame could heartlessly murder Owere, his own blood brother’s son, then there is no one that he could kill for the throne. He, therefore, suggested that his Elder sister, princess Edeleyo be crowned as Oba
His sister princess Edeleyo was then asks to ascend the throne. Princess Edeleyo was the eldest daughter of Oba Ewuare and eldest sister to prince Oduwa who later became Oba Olua. Edeleyo was the most famous Princess in Benin kingdom: she was very wealth and popular among the people. The decision taken by the Uzama Nobles in 1473 A.D to crown her as Oba was unusual. This was because no woman has ever been chosen for the crown of Benin kingdom. She became the first woman to be chosen for the position of Oba in Benin history. Although some historians have claimed that women had ruled as Ogiso during the first period of Benin Kingdom, it has already been stated that this assertion was a mistaken identity. Edeleyo was the closest woman to the throne of ancient Benin; she is
After the death of Olua without a clear successor.Prince Okpame who would have succeeded to the throne was in exile at Ora. There were struggles for control among the powerful chiefs for three agonizing years .They set up a republican administration. Without a formidable leader at the herm of the affair to maintain law and order, those placed in various levels of authority, were weak and incapable. Benin kingdom became totally disorganized and vulnerable to enemy attack. This compelled the Benin elders to call on prince Okpame, in Ora to come back to Benin and ascends to his ancestral
The Death of Oba Ozolua; In 1502 Ozolua could not bear the insult any longer from AGBA N’OJIE (1488—1504) who was the second Onojie of Uromiand marched on Uromi by way of Uzea. As usual when he marched with his equally blood thirsty soldiers, the inhabitants along the road, fled into the jungle but at Uzea, the Onojie there who knew Agba’s stand offered a resistance. In the battle that followed, the Uzea Ruler was slain and Ozolua made a decree there and then that that was to be the last Onojie in Uzea. The Onojie’s head was taken to Benin and cast in brass as a trophy. Agba did not wait for Ozolua to reach Uromi. He called on all his Ekakulo to defend their fatherland.
Prince Osawe ascended the throne with the title Oba Esigie. After the power struggle between him and his brother Arhuanran {Goliath type stature} the powerful ruler of Udo town some kilometers outside Benin City.
How Oba Esigie almost loss of his throne trying to convert Edo land into Christianity and the Idah war; Oba ESIGIE was the first monarch in Benin who accepted the religion of Christianity. He became an enthusiastic convert to the European religion, and laboured mightily to make the faith the state religion of the land.
How Oba Esigie Contrived His Own Death; OBA ESIGIE contrived his own death. Atonement the central tenet of Christianity, was what greatly impressed him in the European religion preached by the Portuguese in Benin Atonement or sacrifice, meant making amends with innocent blood, for the shortcomings of others, so that those others might achieve a release from the consequences of their actions. Atonement in
ORHOGBUA, Esigie’s son was the most formally educated Oba of Benin until AKENZUA II of the Twentieth Century. He was educated outside Benin, perhaps at first in the Bishopric of the off-shore Island of Sao Tome, then later in the metropolitan capital of LISBON. He was trained with an eye on his ultimately becoming a Catholic Priest; He was still overseas when ESIGIE his father died.
When ORHOGBUA arrived in Benin from Europe after his father Esigie’s death he had a choice to make to take up his patrimony as the Oba of Benin, or to practise the profession of the Priesthood of the Church for which he had been trained It was In regard to this choice which Orhogbua had to make that the Edos said:
Al wo Oba, wo ebo:
You cannot be king, and concurrently be a priest to a deity.
Oba Ehengbuda was the first Oba to be visited by English explorers while on the throne. During his reign, he nurtured the martial growth of Chief Ezomo Agban a celebrated warrior, who led Benin army to conquer Agbor. In his days the chief reportedly thought a troublesome man lived overhead in the sky that disturbed the peace of Benin Kingdom each time the rainy clouds rumbled. Because of this belief the non-nonsense Benin war general was said to have embarked on building a ladder up to the sky to take on the “troublesome man” in a bloody contest before he passed on.
The boundary of Benin Empire and Oyo Empire was set at Otun Ekiti during his reign after many wars was fought between the two Empires.
During the reign of Oba Ehengbuda lived Ekpenede one of the most prosperous and renowned warriors.
Ekpenede was the Iyase of Benin four hundred years ago. Therefore he was a fairly modern Benin historical personage. Well before his time he Portuguese had already interacted with Benin, to the greatest extent of their abilities. The ATTA War against IDAH had been fought and won Four Roman
Odogbo was the only surviving son of Oba Ehengbuda. He was installed about 1602 and took the title Oba Ohuan. He was aware of the violation of his father’s wife by Iyase Ogina and was determined to revenge this action. He ordered Iyase Ogina to vacate the City. Iyase Ogina advised the young Oba to be patient, but the Oba refused. Ogina then agreed to leave but he would take the city with him. They then resorted to a test of supernatural strengthen which Ogina had initial advantage. Oba Ohuan was advised to strengthen, his supernatural powers. He went to Evbuohuan where he strengthened himself for several months. He returned to the City and was joined by the chiefs. They ordered Ogina to leave the City and affected this order by throwing eggs, snails and tortoises at him and swearing “You have been quenched and will vacate Benin”. Ogina left and settled in Okogo where he was deified.
In the course of this struggle, Oba Ohuan became a very big doctor, physician and telepathist. He joined his ancestors about 1656 and he was childless. He was succeeded by a great grandson of Oba Orhoghua who was installed with the title Ahenzae. Five other princes from various Obas followed in succession namely Akenzae, Akengboi, Akenkpaye, Akengbedo and Oreoghene. These six Obas reigned between about. 1656 and about 1701 A.D
Oba Ahenzae
Oba Ahenzae
Since Ohuan die childless and without a successor. Eweka I lineage ended.
Benin kingdom was in a renewed turmoil and nightmare ones again there was struggle for power and control among various factional chiefs; they crowned someone from their camp as monarch under rotation system among the different branch of the royal family for six reigns this practices produced series of weak monarchs whom legitimacy were questionable and left the kingdom ones again vulnerable.
Akenzae was sixteen years when he ascends the throne under this system.
During his reign many of the kingdom’s treasures were wasted and gambled away
Oba Akenzae
{About 1661AD-1669AD}
There were no events of importance during his reign.
Oba Akengboi
{About 1669AD-1675AD}
There were no events of importance during his reign.
Oba Akenkpaye
Oba Akenkpaye
Oba Ahenkpaye was banished to Iguosa and he subsequently became the priest of Igbaghon and the Enogie. According to the story, Oba Ahenkpaye usurped the rights and privileges attached to the office of his chiefs and his voice was law.
The story went further to say that as a result of the Oba’s selfish rule; a punitive device was hatched to get rid of him. It was said that the Chiefs informed the Oba that the Oracle had advised that the Oba should personally proceed to make sacrifice to the goddess of Igbaghon at Iguosia. Oba Ahenkpaye was led up to Ihinmwinrin (near the moat of the present Sokponba Road) by both the Uzama and Eghaevbo N’Ore. Thereafter, the Eghaevbo N’Ogbe together with other Chiefs led him up to Ikpe (on the bank of River Orhionniwon on the same Sokponba Road) where they bade him goodbye. After the Oba’s departure, messages were sent to him to say that he had been dethroned. Immediately, Prince Akengbedo was hurriedly proclaimed the Oba of Benin with little or no formalities. Thereafter the Oba (Ahenkpaye) “and his heirs have been the Enogie and priests of the goddess Igbaghon of Iguosa “(or Iguosia)”.
Oba Akengbodo
{About 1684AD-1689AD}
There were no events of importance during his reign.
Oba Oroghene
He received a message from pope Innocent XII encouraging him and his subjects to continue to keep to the Christian faith. (Ọba OreỌghẹnẹ (Orọghẹnẹ) was the 26th Ọba between 1684-1700 AD.) TO say Ọba ỌREỌGHẸNẸ was an URHOBO man is not true. Because of the name Ọghẹnẹ, people misconstrued it to be Urhobo.
The name Ọghẹnẹ is purely ẸDO language from where other Ẹdo affiliates derived their name for God. The Ẹdo (Benin) used so many appellations to describe God.
When Benin say Ọghẹnẹ'Osa, it is referring to a meticulous God. From the Benin word of Ọghẹnẹ; the Urhobo, Isoko took Ọghẹnẹ for God's name, then the Etsakon took Ọghẹna for God.
While Esan took Oisẹ /Osẹ from Osa, as Itsekiri took Oritsẹ from Oisa all from Osa, with the root in Osanobua, which Esan would call Osẹlobla, Ika would say Osẹnobuẹ.
The Ọba OreỌghẹnẹ was never an Urhobo, the name OreỌghẹnẹ depicts "the environment of a meticulous God."
OreỌghẹnẹ was never derived from Urhobo becoming Ọba in Benin. Tracing Ọba OreỌghẹnẹ from his predecessors, he was never from any Urhobo.
Most words used in Urhobo, Isoko, Ika, Itsekiri have their roots in Ẹdo /Benin language.
Prince Idova ascended the throne with the title Oba Ewuakpe in about 1700 A.D. and was the 26th monarch of the hereditary title of Benin dynasty. He reigned for about 12 years which was characterized with series of setbacks during the early period to the extent that all subjects in the kingdom revolted against him.
The fundamental cause of grouse was to protest against the monarch high handedness and his flagrant disrespect of human lives which culminated in the mass killing of his
Oba Ewuakpe and the principle, of the first son succeeding his father :-
The story of Oba Ewuakpe has been engagingly told in J. U. Egharevba’s Short History of Benin. When this Oba became the ruler of the Empire he was saddled with two disadvantages which made him at first unable to handle and manage absolute power, to his own advantage and the good of the people. He was young, and so lacked the constraints and patience of age. Secondly he was not born an Oba. He was thrust into the office by his father AKENNUZAMA who declined to be Oba when he was offered the crown, by selection, in his old age. The IHOGBE had decided that Akennuzama would be the next Oba of Benin when his cousin Oba ORE-OGHENE died. Akennuzama let the honour, and the responsibility, pass over
Ozuere was the second son of Oba Ewuakpe. He usurped the throne with the help of some chiefs in place of his senior brother Akunzua I in contrary to the law made by Oba Ewuakpe and approved and passes by Eghaevbo [executive council] and Uzama Nihinron [the seven kingmakers] that says only the eldest son of the Oba should ascent the throne.
On the other hand, some very powerful chiefs were prepared to uphold and defend the laws of the land at all cost, questioned Ozuere legitimacy to the throne.
A civil war break out in Benin kingdom, it lasted for many weeks. Ozuere Was eventually defeated and dethroned. His reign lasted for just a year.
Oba Akenzua I
Oba Akenzua I
{About 1713AD- 1735AD}
Akenzua abstention to the throne followed the defeat and dethroned of Oba Ozuereo his younger brother. Widely viewed as the beginning of the second Obaship periods.
Ode was the Iyase (Premier) of Benin during the reign of Oba Ewuakpe and Oba Akenzua I. He was a great warrior very powerful and renowned through his victories and other exploits. He was the guardian of Oba Akenzua I and Ehennua who became Ezomo (Ojomo) of Uzebu afterwards.
On one occasion when his only son died and he was in the state of mourning a titled chief happened to pass through his gate with drums in his joyous dance throughout the City. Ode indignantly seat his servant out, to arrest the newly titled chief and his party who ventured to dance when he was mourning the death of his son, and had them all drowned in a pond in his yard. Ever since it is forbidden to beat drums through his square which bears his name Ada Node (or Ode’s Square) to this day.
After many splendid victories in his various campaigns he formally resided at Ugha in Eho District.
Ezomo Ehennua was still living after the death of Oba Akenzua I to the accession of his eldest son Eresoyen to the throne.
Eresoyen had an eldest son by an Uzebu woman under the Ezomo, and when he was preparing to invest him with the title “Edaiken”, the Ezomo Ehennua entirely refused’ to give his consent. He gave as his reason that he could not allow any child born by his female subjects for an Oba or any ordinary man to be taken away because such a practice would tend to depopulate Uzebu his quarter of the City. Therefore it was enacted by the Oba that any child born by the female subjects of the Oba of Benin for
Oba Eresoyen and Commandant Hoog of Holloand: The year was 1734.The story is partially narrated in Alan Ryder’s Benin and the European page 181. Considering all the circumstances of the case Oba ERESOYEN must have recently succeeded his father AKENZUA the first on the Benin Throne. Dr Egharevba’s date for Eresoyen’s accession might therefore have to be shifted backwards by two or three years.
During his reign, the royal army launched a war against Oboro-uku a kingdom within Benin Empire, as a revenge for the murdered of Adesuwa the daughter of chief Ezomo by its Obi. He murdered Adesuwa for refusing to marry him. As the story goes Adesuwa was one of the daughters of the Ezomo Odia and the only daughter of her mother Idia. She was a beautiful lady of surpassing intelligence, and was the sweet-heart of Oba Akengbuda.
At this time an heir to the stool of Oboro-Uku formally came to Benin City about the year 1752 A.D. to be invested as Obi or Eze of the place by the Oba. When he was performing his thanksgiving by a joyous dance round the City, he called to the Ezomo at Uzebu, and there caught sight of Adesuwa who was sent by her father the Ezomo to bring kola-nuts to the Obi.
He was very surprised to see Adesuwa the queen of beauty with her bright and amiable countenance. The Obi at once extended his love to her and asked her consent in marriage but she refused with great contempt and insolence that it is forbidden that she should marry a bush ruler as the Obi who does not attain the equal rank with the least of her father’s slaves.
Oba Obanosa (1804 ? 1816 CE), was Prince Osifo, Oba Akengbuda's son. There was a great commotion known as the Okpughe during his reign as Oba. As a handsome dandy, before he was crowned king, he felt he had a rival whose name was Osopakharha. The prince hated Osopakharha for his popularity, guts, flamboyance, and for what the prince described as his pretensions. The problem really was that they were look-alike young men, competing for influence and space in public esteem. Osopakharha was the son of the Esogban of Benin. The family lived at Ugbague quarters and there was nothing special about that. Osopakharha was the warlock of a witches coven known as Eniwanren-Aso (the Elders of the night). The prince's parents were the patron and matron respectively of the coven. Even after Oba Akengbuda´s death, the prince's mother, Iyoba Ose, remained the matron of the coven. Osopakharha hated the prince for hating him, and for trying to clip his wings as if he was his slave or underling.
Before becoming Oba, against the strong advice of the king and queen, the prince kept threatening Osopakharha publicly that he would order Osopakharha's death on becoming king. Most people took
He usurped the throne of Benin Empire in place of his senior brother Eredia-uwa after defeating the army of Eredia-uwa in the civil war with the help of his mother and some powerful chiefs. To avoid being killed Eredia-uwa fled to Evbokhimmwi in Ishan a town, north of the kingdom.Eredia-uwa eventually regained his right place to the throne of Benin with the backing of Enigie of Ishan, Erebo the Ezomo of Uzebu and the people of Uselu fought and won the battle against Ogbebo and his backers; Eyan and Eboide.
His reign lasted for just 8 months.
{About 1816AD-1848}
Prince Eredia -uwa was crowned the Oba of Benin kingdom with the title Oba Osemwende after the defeat of Oba Ogbebo.
After the success of the coup d’etat staged by Ezomo Erebor against the usurper, Prince Ogbebor, Erebors nephew, Prince Erediauwa returned from exile in Ewohimi in Ishan, and assumed his rightful office as Osemwende, the Oba of Benin.
As was customary, whenever a new Oba of Benin ascended the throne of his father, the Chalk of Good Tidings was sent to all the vassal potentates in the Benin Empire, informing them that a new Oba was on the throne in Benin City.
One of the ranking chiefs in the Iwebo Chancellery of the Palace, the Osague of Benin, was the Emissary entrusted with this Chalk of Good Tidings to the Akure monarch, the Deji of Akure. The name of the Deji was Arakale.
ODIN-O VDA was crowned Oba of Benin in 1848 with the title of Adolo. His brother Ogbewekon was born in the morning and Odion-Ovba in the evening of the same day, but as Ogbewekon’s mother, Eghori, concealed the birth of her son from the Oba for some days, Odin-Ovba’s birth vas reported first and he was counted the eldest. When Eghori was asked why she had acted so foolishly, she said that the people of Ogbe had advised her not to announce the birth of the child, as perhaps he might not live, as it was thought he had been born and had died in infancy several times before. His father therefore narned him Ogbewekon, meaning ‘Ogbe has made fool of you’.
Ogbewekon rebelled against his brother, and went to live in his mother’s town Igueben in Ishan, and from there did much to disturb the Oba’s peace. The Amaho rebellion and similar risings in Ishan were instigated by him, but they were suppressed in 1853 and 1854 by troops led by Ebohon of Ova. The Oba however. did not bear him any malice, and when on being told in 1880 of his death.. someone spoke of him as his enemy,
The Benin Empire fell to the British force during the Benin punitive expedition of 1897 during his reign.
Captain Phillip and his party started a trade mission to Benin City in January 1897, when the Oba and his subjects were celebrating the annual Igue festival a period when outside Full Story >>>
Pre And Post Treaty With The British Government ON 26, MARCH 1892
Three Europeans visited Oba Ovonramwen in 1889 on genuine trade mission. They were well received and there was happiness on both sides. Full Story >>>
Oba Ovonramwen, The British Conquest And The Period Of Dependent Monarchy
The history of Benin up to the end of the second period is a mine of events full of colour and mystery as well as numerous ups and downs. It is one long story of kings, queens, princes, chiefs, warriors, magicians, witches and community leaders either pursuing their personal Full Story >>>
Chief Agho Ogbedeoyo
Benin as a republic
Chief Agho Ogbedeoyo
The Obaseki Of Benin
{1897-1914 }
Chief Agho Ogbedeoyo the Obaseki Of Benin, acted as the Oba of Benin during the interregnum, 1897-1914 As Head of Administration when Oba Ovonramwen was exiled. He was the great great grand son of the Obi of Nsukwa, in the now Aniocha region of the Delta State of Nigeria. The first Obi of Nsukwa himself was the son of King Ehengbuda (about 1578 A.D). Chief Agho Obaseki was the last child of his father, Ogbeide. To understand Agho’s fortune in life, it is necessary to trace how he became connected and the important role he played at the royal house in Benin. It all began with his great grand father, Prince Emokhua N’Obo (the native doctor) who had a dispute with his brother over the accession to the throne of their father,Obi
of Nsukwa, during the time of King Akengbuda’s in about 1750 A.D. During King Akenghbuda’s reign, Prince Emokhua and his son, Osifo.Full Story >>>
Oba Eweka II
Oba Eweka II
Prince Aiguobasinwin Ovonramwen (Eweka II) was born by Queen Eghaghe who hailed from Uvbe Village In Orhionmwon Local Government Area of Edo state. She was of Egbede family. Her mother was the daughter of Chief Evbuomwan, the Enogie of Abavo. Her father was Osenugha of Isi. She passed away peacefully on 18th February, 1933 after the passing away of her son Eweka II. She was buried by her gran-son Oba Akenzua II.
Oba Eweka was a bold and courageous person which earned him the appellation of Ovbiodu. He rebuilds the present palace after the ruin of the old palace after the Benin Expedition war of 1897, hence the appellation of ‘Eweka N’ Ologbe’. The term became so appropriate in that it was Oba Eweka I who started the second dynasty after the deposition of the last Ogiso and the coming of Oronmiyam, a grand- son of Ogiso Owodo from Ife where his father was on exile after being expelled from Benin through the evil machination of Esagho, the wife of Ogiso Owodo. After the deportation of Oba Ovonramwen the son... Full Story >>>
Oba Akenzua II
Oba Akenzua II
Prince Godfrey Edokpa- Orhogbuyunmwun Aiguobasinmwin Eweka was born on the 5th of April, 1899 at Irhirhi village in the late Orhumwense’s house. He was heir presumptive to the crown prince (heir Apparent) to the throne of Benin at a time that tried the soul of the Edos as their King’s life was hanging on the balance. His grand-father, Ovonramwen, the last independent King of Benin was deposed and deported to calabar after the war of 1897 on 13th September 1897.
He was the only child of his mother, Queen Ariowa as the Benin custom did not permit a second birth to the mother of a would-be King. This is seen in the adage that “Omo Kpa r’ Ekpen bie”. His mother hailed from Evbodobian village in Orhionmwon Local Government Area of Edo State. She did not live to see her son enthroned in 1933 as she passed away in 1926 but her body was embalmed at Evborubu village,according to custom until she was officially buried after the accession of her son as Oba of Benin in 1935. She was then proclaimed “IYOBA” (Oba’s Mother) The son built a house and raised monument to her memory at the entrance to Eguae-Iyoba. He also built a house at herFull Story >>>
Oba Erediauwa
Oba Erediauwa
{1978AD-2016 AD}
When the young prince was born June 22,1923 . His father Oba Akenzua II presented the new baby to his father Eweka II, who lifted the baby up and smiled. "You Agho! Chief Agho Ogbedeoyo, the Obaseki Of Benin, who had acted as the Oba during the i
Born in 1953, as Crown Prince Eheneden Erediauwa, is a former Nigerian Ambassador to the Kingdoms of Sweden, Norway and Denmark; the Republics of Finland and Angola. He also served in Rome, Italy and Albania.
The Omo N' Oba N' Edo attended the Benin Divisional Council Primary School, Benin City. Edo College, Benin City, from 1965 to 1967, and Immaculate Conception Collage (I.C.C), Benin City, from 1968 to 1970, where he obtained his Secondary School Leaving Certificate. Full Story >>>
Full address by his Royal Majesty omo n’Oba n’edo uku akpolokolo Oba Ewuare II on the occasion of his coronation as the Oba of Benin at Urhokpota, Benin City, on the 20th October. 2016.
Summary address by his Royal Majesty omo n’Oba n’edo uku akpolokolo Oba Ewuare II on the occasion of his coronation as the Oba of Benin at Urhokpota, Benin City, on the 20th October. 2016... Full Story >>>