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Ogiso Arigho came to the throne and met the kingdom in shambles. He was very wealthy before he was crowned Ogiso. He was a great merchant and spent most of his time outside Igodomigodo particularly in Yoruba, Ilorin, Nupe,Igb.irra and lgbomina lands. He was outside the kingdom during the great famine because of his involvement in trade. He had the knowledge of economics and brought his previous experiences in money to Igodomigodo. He was determined to curb the inflation that had virtually paralyzed the kingdom’s economy. He stands out as the greatest economist of ancient Benin. He introduced a system of double payment by a decree which mandated anybody buying anything and anywhere with money to pay twice or double the price fixed for the item bought. The other half of the money paid went into Ogiso treasury. Anyone who refused to pay the sale tax was punished by paying twice the amount initially charged as sale tax. Also anyone who embezzled the collection there from would pay twice the amount embezzled. The aim was to reduce the amount of money in circulation. His strategy was that if people did not have much money to spend, they would work harder in the farms and produce more food for the kingdom. When food is, plentiful, its price will fall. There was compliance by the buyers immediately the seller mentioned Arigho’s money. It worked marvelously for no one would dare disobey the order of the king. More so they were bound by oath, since this money was to be kept in the Ogua Edion (ancestral shrine) to which every citizen owed automatic obedience. Ogiso Arigho’s measure worked. The term Igho Arigho came into expression meaning the untouchable money. Many people went into farming to minimize their purchases and avoid sales tax. One social effect of the economic condition that prevailed under the reign of Obioye and Arigho was that the poor became poorer and attached themselves to the rich ‘nobles. This led to the development of voluntary slavery, which was quite different from the slavery of the Atlantic save trade era. These slaves of Arigho period were treated like family servant in Igodomigodo. These people worked in the farms of the nobles in the villages and could own their own farm alongside their masters. The nobles had time to go and attend palace functions either monthly or weekly. Some nobles who had many slaves could stay in the town of Igodomigodo city (Benin City) for many weeks while the slaves could farm in the village. Some villages in Benin today grew up as a result of slaves owned by certain Nobles who settled them in villages to work for them. But these villages were not regard as slave’s villages. Slave could be employed by his master to trade for him. There was no fear that the slave would run away or would cheat his master. Instead the master and the slave might share the profit from the trade. Some slaves were also made at that time to rear cows, goatsand hens for their masters in the villages Udo, Ughoko, Ugo, Evbohighae, Ogbese, Usen, Uhen Urnoghurnwun Egboko, Iguemokhua Evbokabua, Ogba and Urhiorngbe were such places where cow] (Enila) were reared in Igodomigodo. ART AND CRAFT: WOOD WORK: INCREASED FOOD PRODUCTION: Comment Box is loading comments...