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Obioye the son of Oduwa carne to the throne at about the age of 40 years. He inherited a large kingdom that depended largely on foreign trade: His father Ogiso Oduwa had encouraged and expanded trade contacts and outlets. Due to dependence on this trade food production was neglected at home. Many people took to trading and pursuit of money and showed no interest in farming. This caused initiation in the land with many people having a lot of money but there was little food to buy with it this problem has been developing since the rein of Oduwa but became acute during the reign of his son Obioye. “A. gha rruan gheku Vbe uko ebo Ogiso Obioye was born into opulence and was. Said to have been a proud man. He did not seems prepared for this kind of problems as he looked forward to a life of pleasure derived from the gains of external trade He knew nothing about the intricacies of political administration or how to boost- agricultural production. He did not seem to have any effective solutions. POLITICAL INSTABILITY This made many people to go to the rural areas for farming the population of the villages increased tremendously. This seemed the way they could survive the devastating effects of the famine. For over five years, the situation worsened because there was scarcity of rainfall and crops could not yield abundantly as expected People thought that this was. a curse from the heavenly body and the made sacrifice to pacify the gods of- the land and the ancestors which they thought were responsible for the great famine. When these failed, Obioye addressed self imposed rationing of whatever was available so that it could last longer for individual or families. He also implored the people to reduce the amount of food they ate, thereby saving more for another day. This he thought would reduce the urge or the propensity to eat more food their prices. He even suggested that they should be feeding once or twice a day.. They should learn how to cook soup without oil(Ukhuankhuan) if one had no palm oil, eat certain food without salt and drink much water immediately after meal. This anti-inflationary measure are like our present day Nigeria 1986 SAP (Structural Adjustment Programmed) since which Nigeria has been taking different economic measures to cope with inflation and the devaluation o the Nigeria currencies-Naira. The famine and its problem gave rise to apopu1ar song by subject which go a long way to describe the seriousness of the situation. The song goes thus; Meaning: Obioye was crowned Ogiso Obioye’s reign also experienced another disaster in the form of fire outbreak. Due to the lack of rainfall, the forest, trees and streams dried up and valleys began to appear in Igodomigodo kingdom small fire Outbreak spread over all the wooden area and burnt very where, including farm lands and the little surviving food crops and animal in it. This again was a greater disaster which further compounded problems for the people and increased hunger in the land. There were increase infant mortalities because of lack of food to feed the young ones who were more valuable. This forced a lot of people to migrate from Igodomigodo (Evbuoto) to other parts of the kingdom that was not affected and beyond. Many moved southward towards the sea and the Niger Delta areas of the kingdom and these people formed the urhobo, Isokoand Okpe tribes of Edo Speaking people of the Delta .areas today. The inflationremained and continued to affect political and social life in Igodomigodo till the death of Ogiso Obioye. He left Igodomigodo as a kingdom in shambles. Comment Box is loading comments...