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Ororo therefore was well known by the people of Igodomigodo and outside the Ogiso kingdom, hence he received congratulatory messages. From far and near when he was crowned Ogiso Od!onwere. Ogiso Qroro promoted the working of iron in Igodornigodo He used to say say that “he who worked with iron, will never go hungry because we use for farming and for almost everything we do in our lives” Another popular saying of his was “one day IRON will conquer the world” He said that if you travel to the North; it is through the use of Iron, if you go to the South, West and East it is through the help of the iron. lf you travel on the river, if you climb trees, if you dig, the ground, all these would not be possible without iron. Without- the use of iron one cannot win a war. We use iron to obtain all good things life, and iron will remain forever and ever” Thus Ogiso Ororo was not only a blacksmith, but also a PHILOSOPHER He ruled for 18 years and died at the age of 98 years holding an iron in his hand. Comment Box is loading comments...