Osi ( Aiyegunle) is an Okpameri speaking village under Akoko-Edo Central clan. It was probable, founded by early emigrants from Benin. They first settled at Ebune –Ugor (Ikiran-Ile) before moving to Osi (Aiyegunle) and by the middle of the last century the village had grown considerate. It was sacked by the Ibadan raiders and they sought refuge on the hill top. They submitted to the Nupe and accepted "ajele" through whom they paid tribute.
Osi (Aiyegunle) moved to its present site. In I916, when their houses on the hill were burnt by the Distinct commissioner and an unsuccessful attempt is been made to rename the village to Aiyegunle meaning the world has come down.
Osi (Aiyegunle) have been administered from lkiran, Kabba,Okene,Iddo,
Fugar and Auchi respectively
According to Archives record - Aiyegunle is divided into quarters and families and are as follows:
Obiemajo Qrts
Ato Kaiye
The quarters are no longer territorial but remain administrative units, quarters. and families .
Family heads are elected by their people.
The priest of the principal village chief Orimosi, is always chosen from Ibinata family, but the executive head of the village, entitled Oya, is another member of the named family elected by the people.
There are seven age-grades called Ekualasor, Ekun, Lagede, Ikugbe, Imoregbe, Okigboy a and Oharumu. Every seven years youth between 16-23 years of age are initiated into the first of' these, members of being promoted to the senior age group or grade then becomes the Oriosi or elders and are entitled to carry carved staff and wear straw hat (Oka la). Anyone in the Ekagbo age grade senior to it become (Nakpe) by paying 2/6d to the Oriosi, sacrifice two (2) fowls and a goat and entertaining the town, and then gain exemption from communal labour.
As the ceremonies of initiation repugnant to Christianity the system is moribund.The village council use to consist of the priest or the chief priest of Oriosi. Women age grade are formed but are purely social in character. Women have no traditional political right but enjoy a measure of economical independence.
Girls are betrothed in birth or soon after. No longer applicable but rather girls now grow to their full adulthood before choosing their husband.
Same as Lampese
Note that in dispute as to fact the parties had feather thrust through their tongues. Crimes were punished the same as Lampese but has some slight difference
Arson: The offender in Aiyegunle is made to hang himself