Since Ososo Community regards life as a stair case which must be climbed from one rung to another, I would rather want to address the mind of the reader that every festival in any Community has a lot to do with the life of the inhabitants of that particular town village or hamlet. With this, therefore, this write-up would deal with graduation from one age group to another· activities of each of the age group, the fictions, social aspect and the right to belong truly Full Story >>
Igarra was said to have been first inhabited by Anafua people. The leader of Anafua people was known as Uno. On arrival at the present site, one Prince Ariwo Ovejijo was said to have claimed the land, and so Uno surrendered it and evacuated his people. The handing over ceremony was without rancour or bitterness..
As the handing over was done through mutual agreement on Ugbe day, Ugbete festival has since been celebrated in Full Story >>
Like the Itakpo festival of Ososo, Emornorhe is celebrated in Enwan clan, Akoko-Edo to elevate citizens from Umadheghe to Okhitoya age group—the group of the elders. Besides, the festival affords opportunity to Enwan community to pay homage to Ogua who is believed to protect them. It is celebrated between March and April every 40 years. It lasts for a total of four weeks. Only males who have attained the ages of from 55 to 100 years are qualified to be initiated Full Story >>
Various communities regard life as a stair-case which must be climbed from one rung to another. This is why festivals are celebrated at various times to elevate citizens from one age group to another. One of such festivals is the Itakpo, celebrated every seven years at Ososo in Akoko-Edo. Ososo is about 16 miles from Igarra. There are four quarters in Ososo and they celebrate this age group festival in turn every seven years. Although all inhabitants of Ososo Full Story >>
The people of Imorga in Akoko-.Edo Division celebrate the ‘Ipihionua’ festival once in every seven years. The festival is unusually long, for it lasts for a period of six months.
It comes up in November of every seventh year depending on when the new moon is sighted and it ends in March of the following year..
The festival is essentially celebrated to mark the initiation of an age-group and only males above the age of 18 years Full Story >>
The Aba festival is celebrated once in every six calendar years. The festival is made up of several ceremonies, which are not less than twenty five. For example, beating of Aba drums, Manhood Dance
(Ututanebe), etc. The origin of the festival has been traced to Anafuas who were the aborigines of the present day Igarra. The Anafuas were said to be dwarfish, but diabolical race. The Anafuas were said to have posed a serious threat to the existence of the Igarra Full Story >>
Ọbah festival is celebrated in Somorika in recognition of the place or value of the act of sacrifice in promoting unity, cohesion, strength defense and survival of the ancient city state. Through this festival, the people salute the willingness of Ọbah in making uncommon supreme sacrifice of laying his own life for the salvation of his homestead from imminent calamity. By this action Ọbah has joined the ranks of men and women all over the world celebrated for the survival Full Story >>