The History of Makeke

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Last update June 30, 2020

Historical Background

According to achieves records Makeke was founded by age-group sent out from Imoga to catch bush fowl for an annual sacrifice. These groups according to history are not among the Okunlushos but its people have adopted the custom and language of the Okulusho and prefer to be grouped with them.

They submitted to the Nupes and paid tribute, but in the seventh year after their surrender they moved to a site near Onumu. They returned about 1890 but few of them remained in the temporary home, now called Ayanbege (Ayanoza)

Since 1890 these villages have been administered from Ikaran, Kabba,Okene, Iddo, Fugar and Auchi successively.

According to achieves records Makeke is divided into (4) quarters sub-divided to fifteen (15) families.

These are:-
ODOVA Quarters- Afisuma. Afenorimi, Afeobata and Enwan families

OLA Quarters – Ekari, Okesi, Abige, and Afoka families

ESE Quarters - Ese and Uresi families

ODUA Quarters – Otogbe, Ekabo, Ogwo and Ikpesihi families

The Asami family, which seems to be naturally quarrelsome, has passed from the ODOVA quarter to ODUA and back again several times and its allegiance present was uncertain then. The quarters have lost their territorial character but have not ceased to be administrative unit.

Age groups used to be formed every three (3) years but the departure of youths in search of employment necessitated the extension of interval to seven (7) years

The Osheku was recognized as the head of Odova quarter, the Otaru of the Ola quarter The Otaru of Ese quarter and the Osheku of Odua quarter.

In 1920, Ojah, Ojirami, Dangbala were placed in the Okpella District under Afegbua of Unguyami and Makeke in the (Imeri District now under Ondo state) under the Omimeri

It is proposed that the village council of each of the four (4) villages become a Native Authority

Generally, women possess neither traditional political right but economic independence

Marriage: same as Dangbala

Judiciary: same as Dangbala

Occupation: Farming,

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