According to archives record-Lampese was founded by one Ekpese who was banished from Benin by the Oba. Its people fled from Ibadan raiders and take refuge in Ogugu where they submitted to the Nupes returned to their old community and accepted an “ajele” and paid tribute. Since 1890 they have been administered from kabba, Okene, Idda, fugar and Auchi.
According to archives record- LAMPESE is divided territorially into two (2) quarters Ekun and Ukperini. The people of the former are divided in seven (6) families and those of the letter into four (4) families namely
In the former Afugbemi , Afore and Ipakumu families used to form one unit called Okpe, but this has broken up owing to a long standing dispute as to who should be the head of Ekun quarter but none have any support outside their own families. The family remains a functioning administrative unit, but neither quarter can at present be so described. Ibioku of Ukperimi family is always succeed by his younger brother caused such hot dispute that the meeting broke up in confusion
Women have no traditional political right but enjoy a measure of economic independence. Women age –group are formed, but are purely on social character
In the olden days Lampere girls were betrothed at birth or soon after widow were allowed to remarry without refunding dowry although serious effort was made to change these custom so that widow will be inherited by their husband brother, the reason being that dowries are high and money is scarce. But it is no longer applicable nowadays. Presently pride price and marital rite depends solely on the family of the bride and the category of the bride and the prospective groom.
Agbada, Buba, shokoto
Farming, they grow crops for both consumption and cash.
Pounded yam and good soup
Same as most part of Akoko Edo except in find dispute to fact the parties have to eat kola nut placed on the staff of the member age group present.
The new yam festival, Ukpe etc.
Customs and Norms
The highest amongst other is that it is a taboo to marry to or marry from the Uneme’s clan.
Land Ownership
-Land is owned by inheritance.
-Empty land is owned by the community and can be given to anybody if the community permits.
Herbal Medicine
Have a high regard in this clan because of its potency.