According to Archives records ljaja was founded by Ogbomodu an early emigrant from Benin his descendants were scattered by the lbadan raiders, some taking refuge in Okpe while others at Imeri (now part of Ondo State) and others at Idogu in Owo
The people of lki quarter of Okpe and of the Onijaja quarter in Imeri are descendants of ljaja refugees.
The Olokpe Okpe claim that the village is really a quarter in Okpe, but this was heartily denied by the Ijaja people
According to archives records - Ijaja has no division. There are four (4)title holders, the Oni ljaja. Awufe, Odofe and Utele. Succession of which is from father to son the Onijaia being the village head.
Age group are formed at the same time and given the name as those at Okpe.
Women possess no traditional or political right but, has economic independence.
In the olden days, girls are betrothed at birth and go to their husband after their third or fourth menstruation. Widows are inherited by the deceased husband’s family.