Okanigbon was one of the greatest warriors of Urhonigbe who fought the Abe, Umutu, or the kwale wars. He defeated more than 100 people with his club weaponry.
In battle, he was always in front line and his body was marked with several scars from enemy’s spears.
Okanigbon was highly intelligent, slow and observing. He was stiff and unyielding to pressure. He was alcoholic total but smoke (atamukara) heavily which made him to cough frequently but silently, particularly when in war front.
He was temperate with women. As a warrior, he was not frequent in meeting with women. He considered warriors who love women particularly during war as soldiers.
A fearless and able general whose name brings cold to the Oru (kwale) people in those ancient times. He clatters his teeth when in serious thoughts. He was quick to adopt different tactics and formations in war fronts depending on the enemy’s position. Okanigbon had been described as a born warrior, able general and leader of men who used clubs of wood and iron than swords and spears or cross bows and arrows that were war implements in those early days when there were no gun
Okanigbon could carry ten clubs at a time and could use two clubs with both hands. The club can break spears, swords or destroy shields (asa). Once he hits an enemy with it, the person dies immediately
He came ito earn the reputation ‘Okanigbon’ as one of the most savage destroyer of human life in war He was a bulldozer with a “pig’s” eye, a hooked nose hidden teeth and a prominent forehead. His real name was or in short form, .Amadinayangbon or in short form meaning “if one is no, bold, in this world, one cannot survive”. This was one of the philosophies that made him to be bold.
He lost his father when he was still a child. As a reult, he was brought up at the palace of the Enogie of Avbavbo Abavo a relation of his mother. It was there he learnt the act of using stick for fighting and wrestling
It was this stick fighting in youth he then, developed into club fighting implements as a warrior and warfare.
TheĀ loss of his father we are told though cause him a deep sense of emotional and irritable deprivation, yet his name ‘Amadin’ made him to be bold in the face of dangers or to defend himself. When caught in enemy’s zone.
Okanigbon was a patriot and statesman anytime any day in the history of Urhonigbe in particular and Benin kingdom in general.